Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stuff Stephen Hates #8: Stuff White People Like

Ok. What the crap? Stuff White people like used to be funny. It was clever. It was the impetus for this blog. Then...well, i have no idea what happened. maybe it was the book deal. but it just started to get boring. Annoyingly boring. I had to remove it from my RSS feed. I suppose at some point it was bound to happen. I mean, There are only so many ways you can say "aren't upper middle class white people silly" but i still expected at least a few more posts. I totally blame the book deal. The site author probably began to this that he/she was an actual writer, when in reality he/she'd just created a meme of sorts. And memes, almost by definition, burn out. And you're certainly did, Stuff White People like writer. oh well. You have been officially cut from the roster, Stuff White People like.

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