Tuesday, March 18, 2008

#0: Stephen Hates: an introduction

So, about a week ago, a friend of mine introduced me to the blog "Stuff White People Like." It is, most definitely NOT something Stephen hates. In fact, I quite enjoy it, tho I'm more than a little bit disturbed by the fact that I actually do like an amazing amount of the things listed on the site. (See the upcoming post (number unknown yet) "Stephen hates being a statistic"). But it got me thinking...if this guy (or girl, i have no idea) can make an enjoyable blog that people actually read out of just making fun of White culture (actually, I'd say White middle class and possibly gen-x culture, but whatever), then what can I do that would get me read by more than my brother and sister? And I realized....I have a lot of hate in my heart, and its time to let it all out. Thus, the theme of this blog. But I have a request from you millions and millions of readers out there in the interweb. Please, send me suggestions and I will add them to Stuff Stephen Hates. And if I don't hate it myself, well then, I can add it in a special post. Like "Stuff Stephen hates special edition: something Andrew hates." So, with no further ado... on to the hate.


Andrew said...

Most of my anger nowadays concerns people who use Latin improperly when trying to sound smart and people who don't wipe down the sink after they shave.

Looking for Light said...

I soooo read that blog. Have been for a couple weeks ago. I think it's hilarious. I can't tell if a white person writes it though. The best posts are by calendar or something like that.