Monday, March 24, 2008

Stuff Stephen Hates #2: meetings

I had a different #2 all planned, and then I got this email:

" This message has been sent at the request of your course instructor to remind you of the following event:

Course:I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society

Event:Board Meeting

Start time:Tuesday, March 25, 2008 12:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time

End time:Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Reminder: Board meeting in the journal suite. Please remember to update the dry erase board before the meeting. "

every two goddamn weeks we have another worthless fucking meeting wherein we talk about bullshit for entirely too long. But its not just I/S meetings that are worthless....most meetings are worthless. I know that I DON'T CARE about what is being said. Ever. And I doubt anyone else does. At least, anyone except the person who is moderating the meeting. then, you know that person wants to talk... or maybe she doesn't. Who knows. All i Know is that I'm sick and fucking tired of meetings. And have you ever noticed how they always take at least 2 times as long as they should? Here is the standard I/S meeting: Erin: "hey guys... lets talk about what's going on with articles." First, that could totally be done via email. Second, that should take about 2 minutes total. It always. always. takes 10. Then, Erin: "So, we really need to get this work out there... blah blah blah." That should take 2 minutes. It always. always takes longer. Then, FUCKING CARLA NEEDS TO SAY SOMETHING. Why carla? why do you need to speak at all. just shut the fuck up. no one wants to hear your annoying voice anyway. Then, Erin: "Look at the calander and here is what's happening in the near future." That should take no longer than 5 minutes. It always always takes at least 10. In the end, I have to sit thru lunch, missing Prof. Lee's office hours that I've been trying to get to for the past month, for a whole goddamn hour. Here's your average meeting with Swire. "So, this should only take 1/2 hour." at least one hour later, sometimes more: "So, how does that all sound?" Gaaa! I fucking hate meetings.

1 comment:

Gena Miller Shelton said...

Stephen I would like to add a related hater post to this one. I hate conference calls. Particularly conference calls that take place over the weekend where a large group of self important people drone on and on about how important they are rather than actually doing ANYTHING!

P.S. Love this blog